Sunday, 20 October 2013

Dr. Ferret and the Fire-Eating Dog

Dr. Ferret
Ironically, the prison has been my favourite area so far. The guards were very relaxed about me going in and freeing the prisoners in various ways, which was cool, I guess, but a little impractical. 
A super villain was wandering around near the entrance in his monocle and top hat which made me like him instantly. He asked me to give him a pet as dastardly and evil as him. 
So I gave him a ferret, and he gave the ferret a matching monocle and top hat. 
I want to be a part of his top secret organisation!
On the second floor, the chef asked me to put something used for digging in a cake to give one of the inmates... I put a spoon in the cake, which had white icing and cherries on top. I was amazed the guy managed to dig through the wall so quickly with the spoon... but I was even more amazed they get cake in prisons! Might be worthwhile to get myself arrested soon by the looks of it. 
Somehow, Santa had also been arrested and found himself on the top floor of the prison. He was losing weight fast, and asked me for something to
 He Has The Stomachs Of A Cow
quench his enormous appetite. So I gave him a burger bigger than himself, which he somehow managed to eat.
Hey, I'm not going to question him. He's magical!
I found an angel on the top floor too, who wanted the fang of a werewolf. I gave her a pair of pliers, and she went to work. 
Kinda felt sorry for him afterwards. Shows that not all angels are good.
I also had to go through a trial to get a Starite, which involved me putting out flames. I figured, why go for a boring old fire extinguisher when I can just create a FIRE-EATING DOG! 
It worked brilliantly. 
But I found those trials difficult and kept dying because of robots and spiky balls, so I'll have to go back to that. 
Frickin' Wolverines
Though there was another trial I found fun, which was giving each of the prisoners a room-mate that shared the same hobbies. The football player wanted someone who loved sports too, so of course I went with something similar to his sport; ballet dancer. I gave the saxophonist a drummer, and a Halfling I gave an elf companion. When it came to the mad Scientist, wanting someone to share his crazy ideas with, I had no idea that when I typed in "nerd," Napoleon Dynamite would appear! It made me happy though. I wonder what other people they've managed to sneak into the game...

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